Thursday 22 November 2012

Enchants and the current state of things

So yesterday Terrace of the Endless Springs was released on LFR, also it was a wednesday which means there are going to be a load of people rushing to sign up and hopefully get more gear. A lot of these people will be needing to Enchant and Gem there new epics and you are going to supply those to them, Wednesday's and Thursday's are fantastic days for shifting gems and enchanting scrolls as I found out yesterday.

A guildie of mine had been selling [Enchant Weapon - Windsong] all day and had generated around 25k of revenue from this enchant alone in a day, all those people getting new weapons just went to the AH and bought these out! So they cost 1 Ethereal Shard and 12 Spirit Dust to craft, very cheap to craft indeed. I was selling them like hot cakes for around 300g each, which is a massive mark up for me and an easy way to shift all the enchanting mats you get from your shufflin'.

I am currently sitting on around 440k on Darksorrow EU, with around 100k stuck on my old server. I am trying to aggressively rush to gold cap, a friend of mine have a deal that the first one to reach the million will be taken out to dinner by the other. You can follow his blog here.

I am currently shuffling a hell of a lot of ore each day, as well as trying to snipe niche rare items I think I can make a margin on. I will be trying to get into more markets once I get more professions over to Darksorrow! I will also be attempting to make a few YouTube video's over the coming weeks on different Economic Add-ons, Strategies and Practices that I can explain via video and hopefully help people who aren't as versed at the art of auctioneering.

Again, follow me on Twitter @Grogar and Subscribe to me on YouTube here.



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